Sunday 9 May 2010

Sunday 9 May

Today started with going to an English Mass in the beautiful Basilica of San Silvestro in Capite. The original Church was built in the style of the ancient basilicas and has a stunning painted ceiling, a central nave and two side aisles with a row of pillars on either side. The typical Roman tower was added during the renovation of the early 12th century. The reconstruction of the Church to its present-day appearance dates from 1523. The most unusual find was the church has a relic of the head of Saint John the Baptist, which is kept in the first side chapel to the left as you enter the Church and is quite spooky. The mass was lovely and we all enjoyed it. Tracey and Nicki volunteered me to take the reading in front of the full congregation!
Following mass we visted again the Trevi fountain. The fountain was started in 1732 by Pope Clement XII who wanted a large fountain at the Trevi Square. Construction of the fountain was finally completed in 1762.Imagine working on something for 30 years! Whilst there we enjoyed a scrummy milkshake in a street side cafe. We got a little lost before finally catching a bus to the Colosseum.
Following a short queue we entered the imposing arena. I think that the Colosseum was probably the most impressive building of the Roman empire it was certainly the largest building of the era. Even though the structure has fallen into ruins, it is an imposing and beautiful sight.


  1. Wow that colosseum looks so great! As dad would say "Thats history, right there, right now!"
    I dont think i could foucus on one thing for 30 years!
    love and miss you all
    Chopsie, dad and Jack

  2. Hi babe, sounds like your having a fab time.. We are all missing you and can not wait to have you back home... Love you.. Dont worry about your fantastic kids, they are in safe hands.. take care hun speak soon xxx Simon..

  3. Hey everyone! :)

    Glad you're having a good time, and can't believe how much you've all done!
    Nan looks happy with her pizza ;) haha.

    Dog's ok back here, hasn't wrought havoc on Dad's house (much to Mom's distaste I'm sure :P) she's fine.

    See you soon,
