Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Last Supper

To mark the end of a successful trip we went back to the Spanish steps and to a restaurant called Tamara’s which nestled in a side street behind all the designer shops.....who needs a Baby Dior shop? Anyway the food was incredible; we all had one version of the variety of homemade pastas on the menu. Even Nan got all adventurous and had bruschetta followed by lasagne...and another glass of wine...the lush!
Afterwards we returned to the ice cream parlour adjacent to the apartment and indulged for the final time. Italians really do make the best ice cream. Time to pack as our driver is collecting us at 7.30am for the trip to the airport.
When I named this blog home alone it reflected the oddness of travelling without my usual 3 companions. There is no doubt that I have missed them like mad whilst here however, almost instantly any feelings of loneliness soon evaporated in the company of my sisters. I have learnt much this holiday not least from the shining example set by our Nan. The Italians have a saying “carpe diem” seize the day. That is exactly what nan does, she is 80 years old (the very reason for our trip) and yet whatever we suggested nan was up for, she kept up with us and was great company. I enjoyed her stories and marvelled at her capability at the grand old age she has reached. My sisters and I fell back into our childhood a little and enjoyed being together, we have all changed and adapted to the varying paths our lives have taken, but for 5 days in Rome we had a blast. It would be nice to think that we can do this again 'seize' the day and plan another trip.....maybe when we are 80 years old we’ll have the energy to return to Rome. Next time mom needs to come with us, we missed her on this trip and we all agreed that it would be good to spend this type of time with her at some point in the future.
I'm going home!

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