Monday, 10 May 2010

Monday 10 May

Today we visited St Peter's Basilica this is the largest church in the world and can hold up to 60,000 people. It took 120 years to build and was finished as it looks today in 1626, that said there has been a church on the site since the 4th century.

The church is truly stunning especically the dome which is the tallest in the world at nearly 137 metres high and 41.5 metres wide. To this day architects do not know how it stands as in theory it is a physical impossiblity!
The basilica is home to the stunning sculpture La Pietà (1499) is a masterpiece Michelangelo. He completed it when he was just 24 It depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion.

In front of the basilica is St. Peter's square (or the queue!!!)Here you can see statues of 140 saints lining the roof over the pillars and fountains and the like on all sides, it is a great place to while away some time. The bells chimes every 15 minutes I think to remind you how long you have queued.
We are hoping to visit the Spanish steps tonight and have a final meal. Can't believe we are nearing the end of the week but will be glad to see Simon and the kids tomorrow.

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