Tuesday 11 May 2010

Last Supper

To mark the end of a successful trip we went back to the Spanish steps and to a restaurant called Tamara’s which nestled in a side street behind all the designer shops.....who needs a Baby Dior shop? Anyway the food was incredible; we all had one version of the variety of homemade pastas on the menu. Even Nan got all adventurous and had bruschetta followed by lasagne...and another glass of wine...the lush!
Afterwards we returned to the ice cream parlour adjacent to the apartment and indulged for the final time. Italians really do make the best ice cream. Time to pack as our driver is collecting us at 7.30am for the trip to the airport.
When I named this blog home alone it reflected the oddness of travelling without my usual 3 companions. There is no doubt that I have missed them like mad whilst here however, almost instantly any feelings of loneliness soon evaporated in the company of my sisters. I have learnt much this holiday not least from the shining example set by our Nan. The Italians have a saying “carpe diem” seize the day. That is exactly what nan does, she is 80 years old (the very reason for our trip) and yet whatever we suggested nan was up for, she kept up with us and was great company. I enjoyed her stories and marvelled at her capability at the grand old age she has reached. My sisters and I fell back into our childhood a little and enjoyed being together, we have all changed and adapted to the varying paths our lives have taken, but for 5 days in Rome we had a blast. It would be nice to think that we can do this again 'seize' the day and plan another trip.....maybe when we are 80 years old we’ll have the energy to return to Rome. Next time mom needs to come with us, we missed her on this trip and we all agreed that it would be good to spend this type of time with her at some point in the future.
I'm going home!

Monday 10 May 2010

Monday 10 May

Today we visited St Peter's Basilica this is the largest church in the world and can hold up to 60,000 people. It took 120 years to build and was finished as it looks today in 1626, that said there has been a church on the site since the 4th century.

The church is truly stunning especically the dome which is the tallest in the world at nearly 137 metres high and 41.5 metres wide. To this day architects do not know how it stands as in theory it is a physical impossiblity!
The basilica is home to the stunning sculpture La Pietà (1499) is a masterpiece Michelangelo. He completed it when he was just 24 yearsold...wow. It depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion.

In front of the basilica is St. Peter's square (or the queue!!!)Here you can see statues of 140 saints lining the roof over the pillars and fountains and the like on all sides, it is a great place to while away some time. The bells chimes every 15 minutes I think to remind you how long you have queued.
We are hoping to visit the Spanish steps tonight and have a final meal. Can't believe we are nearing the end of the week but will be glad to see Simon and the kids tomorrow.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Sunday 9 May

Today started with going to an English Mass in the beautiful Basilica of San Silvestro in Capite. The original Church was built in the style of the ancient basilicas and has a stunning painted ceiling, a central nave and two side aisles with a row of pillars on either side. The typical Roman tower was added during the renovation of the early 12th century. The reconstruction of the Church to its present-day appearance dates from 1523. The most unusual find was the church has a relic of the head of Saint John the Baptist, which is kept in the first side chapel to the left as you enter the Church and is quite spooky. The mass was lovely and we all enjoyed it. Tracey and Nicki volunteered me to take the reading in front of the full congregation!
Following mass we visted again the Trevi fountain. The fountain was started in 1732 by Pope Clement XII who wanted a large fountain at the Trevi Square. Construction of the fountain was finally completed in 1762.Imagine working on something for 30 years! Whilst there we enjoyed a scrummy milkshake in a street side cafe. We got a little lost before finally catching a bus to the Colosseum.
Following a short queue we entered the imposing arena. I think that the Colosseum was probably the most impressive building of the Roman empire it was certainly the largest building of the era. Even though the structure has fallen into ruins, it is an imposing and beautiful sight.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Saturday 8th May

We started today with a open top bus ride around the city. It is a very different place in the day and busy like any other city on a Saturday morning. The tour took just over an hour and was followed by some retail therapy in the ancient market place of Campo Dei Fiori. This is Rome's oldest market, Campo Dei Fiori (Flora's Courtyard, not 'flower market') was lovely. They claim to have the best fish in the city, fresh vegetables and attractively-piled fruit, spice, as well as clothing and toys. We had lunch in a market side cafe, yummy pizza and wine.
After lunch we visited Piazza Navona,possibly the square that better represents the 'bombastic' Baroque Rome.
Piazza Navona, which is a pedestrian area now, has 3 baroque fountains,the central one (Fountain of Four Rivers) designed by Bernini was sadly under going restoration. The other two however were beautiful. Piazza Navona is a lively place with plenty of stylish restaurants, gelato (ice-cream) bars, and everyday musical or artistic acts. The square is home to many artists working and selling paintings on the street.
A short walk from here took us to our final destination for the day the Pantheon.
The Roman Pantheon is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome. It is a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome. As the brick stamps on the side of the building reveal it was built and dedicated between A.D 118 and 125. We stayed a while inside before taking a Taxi home. Before settling for a nap we enjoyed an ice cream from the ice cream bar adjacent to our apartment, yum.
PS We had the quote of the holiday today when nan observed that there were a lot of MacDonalds when she looked at the bus map. She had mistaken the M symbol for Metro. Oh how we laughed!

Friday 7 May 2010

Friday 7 May The Vatican

Today we walked and walked! The Vatican was worth it though. St Peter's Square was very busy as was the Vatican Museum. The art work, gardens and sculptures and ceilings were stunning. In the main the museum houses the various art collections of the Popes from over the years. By far the most breath taking were the walls and ceilings of the Sistine Chapel that was much bigger than I expected. The day was truly exhausting but worthwhile. We still have so much to see, but for today a welcome cuppa back at the apartment is all that is on the agenda!

Thursday 6 May 2010

Rome at Night

Just got back from the Rome at Night Tour. The city is truly beautiful. We are all agreed the best bit was the Trevi Fountain. The Fontana di Trevi or Trevi Fountain is the most famous and arguably the most beautiful fountain in all of Rome. This impressive monument dominates the small Trevi square located in the Quirinale district. Of course we threw in coins to ensure we journey back here again one day.

It is surprising quite how many ancient buildings there are here for a city. To see them all lit at night was a real treat, here are the Spanish steps.Vatican in the morning.

Thursday 6 May

Arrived safely in Rome, my home for the next six days is a lovely apartment on Via Gratchi just minutes from the Vatican. Everything went smoothly with the flight and our driver met us as planned at the airport. The 45 minute journey in from Ciampino was delightful. I have never seen such a blend on ancient buildings mixed with modern day life. We travelled down a long cobbled road and then circled the ancient city walls before entering the centre. The buildings were incredible, and so many scooters! Our apartment has an old iron gated 'open lift' which operates via the movement of huge weights and takes us to the third floor. Once I'd unpacked it was time for a visit to a foodhall just a short distance away, a fascinating mix of foods so many pastas and cheese...heaven! With the fridge in the apartmentnow full, I type this before taking a siesta, necessary to prepare for our evening tour tonight. Having arranged that the driver from earlier returns to take us on a night time tour of the city at 9pm.
Ciao and love to you Lucas's missing you lots